Dear and beloved reader,
Have you been well?
Friday night, our small group marched toward Honore (as we do) to join the bigger group. A rat ran across my toe mid-stride; I felt its weight on my foot as I kicked it several feet forward against my own will. I screamed on reflex, and then screamed again upon reflection. Sadly, this was not even the worst thing to have happened to me that evening. Later, Greg told me that that’s happened to him many times, and that’s Bushwick, baby.
I’ve been doing my best to recover. Filled up the weekend with fancy cheese, country-oke, a photoshoot in my friend’s bathtub, an acting workshop (what am I doing?), the aquarium (sharks!), potato vareniki at Brighton beach. Also, I’m still cashing in on birthday dinners that were offered to me back in early December. Please reach out if you have not yet fulfilled your obligation.
Pivoting. ꆜ
As a kindergartner, I was accepted into my public school’s Gifted & Talented program (lol). How it happened was, they presented me with a bandaid stuck to an otherwise blank piece of paper. On this bandaid I drew a mermaid lounging, as if the bandaid were her sea boulder. Little did they know I only had the one trick up my sleeve. I would have drawn a mermaid on anything, and did in fact draw mermaids all the time and on any material. If you are wondering—yes, I gave all of my mermaids massive cleavage.
Throughout my childhood, I was completely obsessed. I fell for the mermaid-shaped Easter piñata and hid her in the woods behind our house, saving her from a violent fate. I authored and illustrated a book, which my ever-supportive mother had bound. (The title makes you think, doesn’t it?)
One year for Halloween, my lovely mother made me a mermaid tail from scratch. When I slipped it on and realized, no, I still have legs, I was completely devastated. Inconsolable.
Here in America, we are told not to give up on our dreams. On Wednesday (2/8), Kelsea, Ashley, and I will be presenting a free mermaid show at the KGB Red Room. Izzy built a rock special for the occasion, Blake will be on sound, one or two of my parents will be in the crowd. RSVPs sold out in an hour, but there will be additional space for those who arrive promptly at 8. Underwater attire is highly encouraged. I really can’t wait.
ION ~*~*~*
✭ Momma and Poppa are coming into town. Accepting recs on what to do with them
✭ Everyone I know has started DJing (myself included)
✭ 2/3 - Nino opens for Catcher at Union Pool
✭ 2/3 - Joe is hosting a big ole party at beloved Baby’s All Right
✭ 2/17 - Rachel Lime takes the stage at Union Pool
Wish upon a starfish,